Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lesson 43

harmonic minor scales.. Kreutzer continues.. and a major project..

Lessons forge ahead being an hour in length.

I have been waiting with patience and eagerness to jump into the minor scales which Maestro describes as the ‘dark side’ – oh goody!
I am naturally drawn and pulled toward this sound of music in minor keys and love the emotion they can convey/carry.
So today i experienced playing A Harmonic Minor 2 octaves.

Kreutzer 2 was performed senza musica – without the sheet music (much to his amazement) as i have committed it to memory for all the practice i have done.
Maestro was pretty pleased with my progress despite it being somewhat of a nervous performance for i am still very anxious to play before him.. especially when he sits back in his chair and crosses his legs to listen.
I stressed that i have worked very hard on this to which he replied – ‘it shows’! Mind you, it still sounds a bit like a car crash particularly towards the end with string crossings at this fast tempo and believe me.. it is far from being perfect, he seems pleased however and is happy to have it settle - for he reassures me it will, as i gain confidence and experience.
To my surprise he tells me that my position shifts are fine, what i am struggling with are the notes in first position and i should take care with these.. it’s that dreaded short fourth finger combined ‘death grip’ – merda!

So now we embark on Kreutzer 9 and 13.. i’m keen and he knows this and is therefore pushing forward.

No 9 will reinforce long bows (as we have been practicing with scales) and finger strengthening particularly the 3rd and 4th fingers.

No 13 was kindly demonstrated by him and although difficult, it sounds Heavenly and i want to learn to play this pronto – so exciting!

As lesson concluded Maestro printed up some music sheets being very mysterious about what he was giving me.. saying this would be our long term project.. and although getting the sheets today i am not to try anything (he knows me well) as he will be tackling it in sections with me.
As the printer spat out the 8 pages i had to wait for the last page to be printed when the title of this ‘project’ was finally made known..

La Primavera – Spring
Il Cimento dell’ Armonia e dell’ Inventione – Concerto I
Antonio Vivaldi

I feel so encouraged.. and i am very willing at present to put in the hard work required to realise this dream to play the violin.

donna con il violino blu

donna con il violino blu

series of b&w self portraits
with colour focal
photo taken
11 April, 2010

creative direction patricia vannucci
perugina photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

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