Monday, May 31, 2010


photo inspired by
Le Quattro Stagione
The Four Seasons

Le Quattro Stagioni is a set of four violin concertos by Antonio Vivaldi.
Composed in 1723, The Four Seasons is Vivaldi's best-known work, and is among the most popular pieces of Baroque music.

The texture of each concerto is varied, each resembling its respective season.

The concertos were first published in 1725 as part of a set of twelve concerti, Vivaldi's Op. 8, entitled Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione - The Contest between Harmony and Invention.

The first four concertos were designated Le quattro stagioni, each being named after a season.

Each one is in three movements, with a slow movement between two faster ones.
Taken from Wikipedia

photo taken 27 May, 2010
copy of Stradivarius ‘Soil’ 1714
an antique violin made by Italian luthier
Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644-1737).
Scott Cao & S.C.Guan
Artistic Series Handmade Instrument
Xw Qai Wu

formerly owned and played by
Vov Dylan

creative direction patricia vannucci
'autumn' perugina photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

i am aboard the flamed maple ship
series of photographs on weathered boardwalk

photo location
Sunset Beach, Soldiers Point, NSW Australia
photo taken 24 February, 2010

copy of Stradivarius ‘Soil’ 1714
an antique violin made by Italian luthier
Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644-1737).
Scott Cao & S.C.Guan

Artistic Series Handmade Instrument
Xw Qai Wu

formerly owned and played by
Vov Dylan

creative direction patricia vannucci

perugina photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i keep you in my embrace
series of self portraits
in sepia

donna con il violino blu
lady with the blue violin


copy of Stradivarius 'Soil' 1714
an antique violin made by Italian luthier
Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644-1737).
Scott Cao & S.C.Guan
Artistic Series Handmade Instrument
Xw Qai Wu

formerly owned by
Vov Dylan


photo taken
25 February, 2010
self portraits taken with tripod & remote shutter
photo location
Sunset Beach, Soldiers Point NSW

creative direction patricia vannucci
perugina photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

il violino blu


what you will find here

her music
her thoughts
her art
her photography
her expression
her words
her soul
her Heart

it will all be breathed into
il violino blu
for it is
she is
donna con il violino blu

27 May, 2010

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

Thursday, May 27, 2010


world of silent fragile beauty
lay upon ground of gold
blanket over scars
look up at stars
call this song
sing this soul
play this signature
cry this key
sound this heart
which makes no sound
upon this brittle carpet




written & photographed
27 May, 2010

copy of Stradivarius ‘Soil’ 1714
an antique violin made by Italian luthier
Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644-1737).
Scott Cao & S.C.Guan
Artistic Series Handmade Instrument
Xw Qai Wu

formerly owned by
Vov Dylan

'fallen' words & photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

creative direction patricia vannucci
perugina photography © 2010 patricia vannucci

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I do understand why i have uploaded one of my past watercolour works here, but i am not yet wanting to be entirely open about ALL that is bearing down on me at present except perhaps to state one..
My blog here as donna con il violino blu, as well as the many other blogs i have are journals, and they are a record to stand that i once existed, as there is no one to come after me.
I feel compelled to leave part of me behind in this way.
I have done this over the last three years through painting, photography, through my poetry, through writing.. in any way i can and in the only way i know how to do and i do this with my heart, soul and entire being.
Now MUSICALLY here through the violin and all the inspiration that comes from my experiences with it, i go about hoping i can record it ALL for it is important to me that i do this.

do you really see me

I struggle from many spheres and try to comprehend what is happening within my world which has bought about much frustration, sadness and emotional pain and is affecting my very essence and therefore impacting on my journey here through the beautiful music of the violin.

It's also important that i record all the support offered in its many forms, be it from those who know me well, or don't know me except for what they see as they just pass by here.. those that are here long term on the journey or here for only a short time to share.
Therefore my watercolour work featured above titled do you really see me asks a question of the viewer.
One such viewer on visiting my blog a few days ago offered their kind thoughts which went some way as to providing me with some light on what was a very dark weekend for me.

I am doing my best to keep focused.. on track.. to look further down the road with playing my violin but i am having great trouble am feeling fragile and have not yet picked up my heart.

This person is not known to me, however they took some time to read through my blog and respond.
They offered sincerity not cynicism, warmth not coldness, they opted to communicate and not have me feel isolation, they did so willingly without expecting anything in return and without knowing my circumstance except for what they have read, seen & sensed here.
Although i provided the link to this site, i simply said they would be welcome to visit, not knowing that they had .. i did not ask for a response however a response i received and one which was timely for the way i am  feeling in this moment and no doubt will feel for a while to come.
They gave of their time and in doing so they gave of themselves.
I post it below so it too is threaded and woven into this journey.
I will no doubt read the words over and over and have it remind me that when one door seems closed another opens out to let in light and air.
Philcmiller, as i only know you by this name
i thank you
dal cuore
donna con il violino blu

When you sent me an invitation to your blog I went to it and studied your words, paintings, photographs, and the quality of the blog itself. Perugina, your blog reveals the heart of a truly classy individual.

Though you never mention the specifics of your current emotional struggles, your omission of the specifics is part of the excellence of the blog.
Anyone of any significant age and experience knows what it means to have their heart and soul ground to powder and blown to the wind.

One need not rationalize the specifics. That part of the story can be fully grasped only through the life-experience of the individual. All your friends need to know is that though your former heart may have perished, the physical body did not, so some new heart must grow within the hollow shell. A new you with new dreams is being born.

Your blog graphically shows us the foundation upon which you are rebuilding; your art, your dreams of mastering the violin, and your poetic writings.
Perugina, I wish you the very very best in this effort. I am 53 years old and have survived two tragedies that few would be able to identify with. Not only did I survive, but each new heart was richer and more beautiful than the last. Of course, regenerated beauty cannot be comprehended by all, only by those to whom the gift is given.

Lastly, your blog does not give us any clues as to the day to day substance of your existence. What it shows us is your own concept of yourself, your sense of self-worth, and your vision of the beauty you have to offer the world if it will only stop and look.
You paint yourself as several beautiful women that you know live within you, you photograph yourself as the lover and protector of your instrument, adoring it as you guard it, just as a mother with her child or a God with his creation.

You reveal your sensuality through the flow of lines rather than through the less-dignified over-exposure of your body (as several on RedBubble are prone to do).

As I put down a last word, I want the budding new heart within you to know that one more person in the world was completely captivated by that portion of you that radiates beauty, dignity and a haunting grace.

As you live your life through your common days as a regular woman enduring the inevitable realities of being a struggling human being, please know that the Perugina you know lives within you is a powerful and captivating woman.

You have chosen to reveal this magnificent woman to any who will stop, look, read, and think.
Those who have taken the time to do so will not be able to soon forget you.
Grow and develop, Perugina…you are a beautiful child becoming a beautiful woman.

Hold your violin when you cry.
21 May, 2010

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci

original artwork
'do you really see me'

perugina art © 2009 patricia vannucci

Sunday, May 16, 2010

series la tempesta
you are in this tempest
watercolour work on arches

My view is heavily obscured and there seems to be no blue sky in sight,
only storm clouds of dark grey.

I have four violins and i have not had the emotional strength or physical strength
to play any of them the last two weeks. 
To hear their beautiful sounds.
This has left me greatly saddened beyond words can express.
I near my first year anniversary with learning violin
and i fear that i will not be able to continue as my present state is making it difficult.
An already tenuous thread does not need the sharpest of swords to sever it.
Looking back however, i see how far i have come, not knowing how to even hold them in my arms let alone to make them sound.. so i can be proud of myself in this regard and know that i really gave it my all with all the love i had and still have in my heart.

I keep this blog open to give me hope and faith, and i pray that i can yank myself out of this, at least on an emotional level (for emotionally i am shattered), this would help me greatly at least to push through my chronic fatigue due to other health issues and muster the little enthusiasm to practice and at least move in a forward direction.
I’ve missed out on two lessons since feeling this way and this in itself has pained me.

I casually mentioned that i may leave violin to Maestro last lesson, trying to hide my state..
i was so sick that i found it hard to stand whilst having my lesson..

he replied

You do not leave violin
the violin leaves you
for it will go on
long after you/we have gone
and it will always find another

with a heavy heart
i can't imagine my violino blu in any other hands
please give me the strength and courage God to go on
donna con il violino blu

donna con il violino blu © 2010 patricia vannucci